Douglas Wylie

Owner/ Instructor

1030+ hours of formal training, 561 hours of that in the Massad Ayoob Group system, average 30,000 rds in training per year 2014-2020 when ammo was plentiful, reloading on a Dillon 1050 with a Mark 7 Autodrive.

Massad Ayoob Group Staff Instructor- Sanctioned to teach the Massad Ayoob Group MAG-20 Live Fire course X2

Rangemaster Instructor Development- Top Shot- scores 100/99.3/100

Rangemaster Advanced Instructor Development- scores 100/98

Rangemaster Master Instructor - scores 99/92.5

Massad Ayoob Group Instructor Course- 296/300 at Quad-speed

John Farnam’s DTI Instructor Course

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-40 Graduate

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-20/ Classroom Graduate x 4

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-20/ Live Fire Graduate x 3, Perfect 300 score

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-20/ Live Fire Assistant Instructor under David Maglio X 2

Massad Ayoob Group Instructor Course MAG-IC Assistant Instructor under David Maglio, Taught Revolver

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-30 Graduate X 4, 300/300 at Double Speed

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-30 Assistant Instructor under David Maglio X2

Massad Ayoob Group MAG80

Massad Ayoob Group MAG120 - Top Shot

Massad Ayoob Group MAG180

— Handgun Retention Instructor

— Persuader (Kubotan) Instructor

Massad Ayoob Group MAG-120 Assistant Instructor under Massad Ayoob 4/4/2023

Massad Ayoob Group 10th Reunion- Top Shot

--Tom Givens/Rangemaster- Defensive Shotgun

--David Maglio- Speed Shooting Skills

--Massad Ayoob/Steve Denney/Marty Hayes- Low Light/Flashlight Techniques

--Marty Hayes- Revolver Skills

--Stacy Kitchens- Stop The Bleed

--William Aprill- Unthinkable

Massad Ayoob Group Defensive Pistol

Appleseed Project IIT (Orange hat)

Appleseed Project Rifleman Patch 2016, 2023

John Farnam's DTI Defensive Handgun, Red Pin

John Farnam’s DTI Defensive Urban Rifle

John Farnam’s DTI Armed Response To A Terrorist Attack

Modern Samurai Project AIWB Class

Modern Samurai Project Red Dot Pistol Class

OC Spray Instructor- Chuck Haggard/ Agile Training & Consulting

Pocket Rockets- Chuck Haggard/ Agile Training & Consulting

Greg Ellifritz Concealed Carry Revolver (Snub)

Gabe White's Pistol Shooting Solutions- Light Pin

Law Of Self Defense Graduate

Unthinkable with William Aprill

Revolver and Revolver Techniques with David Maglio, Firearms Academy of Wisconsin

Defensive Shotgun I- C4 Training

2014 Ben Stoeger's Practical Shooting Fundamentals class

8/13/2018 Private Lesson with Spencer Keepers

Miniaturized Red Dot Sight Class with John Hanchey

FRC Vehicle Defense Force On Force Class

Image Based Decision Drills with Ashley Chin

National Rifle Association Certified Pistol Instructor

National Rifle Association Range Safety Officer

National Rifle Association Personal Protection In The Home Instructor

National Rifle Association Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor

National Rifle Association Defensive Pistol Instructor

National Rifle Association Refuse To Be A Victim Certified Instructor

National Rifle Association CCW

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care X 2- Liam Pierce

FRC Hemorrhage Trauma Class

United States Concealed Carry Association Certified Instructor- NOT RENEWING

United States Practical Shooting Association Range Officer- NOT RENEWING

United States Practical Shooting Association Competitor

International Defensive Pistol Association Competitor

Glock Sport Shooting Foundation Competitor- Master Class

Kubotan with David Maglio X2

5th Dan Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido ~3000 hrs

4th Dan Tomiki Aikido ~ 6000 hrs

USJA Ikkyu Judo ~ 3500 hrs

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